Dr. Judy Monteith DMD
Assistant Professor; Group Practice Leader- Address
- 312DC – 105 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E4
Dr. Judy Monteith was born in Saskatoon and raised in rural Saskatchewan. In 1984, she graduated from the College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan. Following graduation she practiced dentistry in Saskatoon, worked for the Saskatchewan Dental Plan and taught in removable prosthodontics. She relocated to practice in Southern Ontario in 1988 until her return to Saskatchewan in 1999. Since then she has been in private practice and has taught primarily in operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics and removable prosthodontics. Her current role, mentoring the Dental Education Clinic, is one she finds most rewarding.
Published May 2016. Journal of Synchroton Radiation (Volume 3, Part 3). "Synchrotron-radiation-based X-ray micro-computed tomography reveals dental bur debris under dental composite restorations."
Author(s): Assem Heydayat, Nicole Nagy, Garnet Packota, Judy Monteith , Darcy Allen, Tomasz Wysokinski and Ning Zhu
First publication from research on the 05ID-2 beamline at the Canadian Light Source (Synchrotron) in Saskatoon