College of Dentistry

Our Faculty

Picture of Dr. Elis  Batistella

Dr. Elis Batistella DDS, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology

Picture of Dr. Doug Brothwell

Dr. Doug Brothwell DMD, BEd, MSc, DDPH

Picture of Dr. Isaac de Souza Araujo

Dr. Isaac de Souza Araujo DDS, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor of Dental Materials and Operative Dentistry

Picture of Dr. Peter Doig

Dr. Peter Doig DMD, MBA
Interim Associate Dean, Academic, and Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Perry Kurz

Dr. Perry Kurz DMD, Cert. GPR, Dip. Ortho, FICD
Assistant Professor, Orthodontics

Picture of Dr. Maria Luísa Leite

Dr. Maria Luísa Leite DDS, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials

Picture of Dr. Liran Levin

Dr. Liran Levin DMD, FRCD(C), FIADT, FICD
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, and Professor

Picture of  Carla  Ofstie

Carla Ofstie BSc, RDH
Instructor, Academic Director, Dental Hygiene Program

Picture of  Rachel Oracz

Rachel Oracz DA, DDT
Instructor, Dental Therapy Program

Picture of Dr. Daniela  Pita

Dr. Daniela Pita DDS, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Picture of Dr. Amrinderbir  Singh

Dr. Amrinderbir Singh DDS, MPH
Assistant Professor; Director, Inclusive Community Care; Academic Director, Y3/Y4 DMD

Picture of Dr. Michelle Siqueira

Dr. Michelle Siqueira DDS, DSc
Assistant Professor; Scientific Director, Sterilizer and Waterline Monitoring Service; Academic Director, Y1/Y2 DMD

Picture of Dr. Felipe Sperandio

Dr. Felipe Sperandio DDS, MSc, PhD, Cert. OMOP, FRCDC
Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology